Post Swap

Thank you for wanting to sponsor me! You just made my day! Since I am a new blogger I don't think it is fair as of right now to start charging for money so if you want to do a post swap with me it is completely FREE as of right now!

The post swap is only for bloggers.

I will swap posts with blogs of any size, whether you have 0 views and 0 followers, to millions and millions of followers and viewers!
We will pick a topic that we can both blog about for each others blog.
When we both have each others post ready we will schedule the post at the exact same time so it will be the same.
The post must permanently remain on your blog, if you do happen to remove it or if you shut your blog down let me know so I can remove your post! So we're even of course!

If you would still like to do a post swap with me and have met the requirements just email me at In the subject line please put 'Post Swap'. From there we shall commence the post swap!

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